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2022 Primary 4 - EMSC (4 Subejcts) - Full Year


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Primary 4

Individual subject Order Price List :

English - S$ 20.00

Mathematic  - S$ 25.00

Science – S$ 30.00

Chinese - S$ 18.00 (P6 – S$20)

Higher Chinese - S$ 10.00 (P5 & P6)


Full Sets : English (E)+ Math (M) + Chinese (C) + Science (S) – Price list

P1 $40 EMC

P2 $45 EMC

P3 $50 EMCS

P4 $55 EMCS

P5 $65 EMCS (Add Higher Chinese + $5)

P6 $65 EMCS (Add Higher Chinese + $5)


** S$ 5.00 less for  - No Chinese or Higher Chinese **

2022 Primary 4 - EMSC (4 Subejcts) - Full Year

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